Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pasang Lama: Tea Maker

Home from Home: Pasang Lama has been selling tea in a portable stall at Basantapur, Kathmandu, for the past six years to eke out a living. The 27-years-old woman from Huseni, Kavre sells tea twice a day- from 5:30 in the morning and 4-8 in the evening. Initially, she uses to ply momo business with the support of her husband. After police banned roadside stalls inside the Basantapur area, a move aimed at protecting the Kathmandu Durbar Square, she had to shut up shop. She says selling momo is profitable than selling tea. Despite several ups and downs, she is happy with her present daily earning between Rs. 4m000 and Rs 5,000. The Happy-go-lucky lady is all smiles that she is not a busy bee, as her business allows her to take rest during daytime. She has many cool customers who regularly come to sip tea every morning. Pasang lives in a rented room near Basantapur with her husband and two daughters.

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