I am a
Shutterbug and I love to stay behind my camera. There I find my solace and joy but sometime I feel being cheated as a photographer. I feel that way most… when people start to limit me as a professional photographer rather than a friend they know. Photography is my passion and not always I do it to earn bread and butter. And you know when people take me that way, my true emotion gets lapse and I do realize I'm not acting normal. And I wish I could be someone out of photographer skin. I get so bemused when people value my Nikon than me. They overlook my individualism when I am behind my camera and I become a stranger among known crowd. Sometime it's a daunting task to click pictures where your emotions get attached to and there are occasions when I clicked picture crying literally.
Once I was clicking pictures of one of friend's wedding. She was about to leave her parental home and she was all sobbing giving goodbye to her family and friends hugging. And I thought she will hug me too before hopping onto her wedding car but thing didn't happen the way I thought. And I missed her hug because I am behind my Camera. So, you get both rain and sunshine, while you stay behind the camera.
aaha...finally an update in a long long time.
Jitu dai...you are loved and adored for who you are and your camera only comes as an added bonus to all the charm. And you taking the effort to motivate us to enhance our skills..well, that's something beyond words.
I hope we won't ever end up making you feel like we value your nikon (though we do value it ;)) more than you...and hey..dont ever wish you were somebody else other than who you are.
Take care there..and like u say, be happy :)
Hi Jiten:
You wrote "when people start to limit me as a professional photographer rather than a friend they know. Photography is my passion and not always I do it to earn bread and butter. And you know when people take me that way, my true emotion gets lapse and I do realize I'm not acting normal". That is just great! Using photography as something not just for earning bread and butter is always respectable because I see it as a form of art and not something to be whorified, if you know what I mean.
I am a student doing my premed in the US, and am in Nepal for a break. I am making a documentary on the chaos of kathmandu until August, but am looking for good but budding enthusiastic photographers who can be generous enough to do something for their nation. My documentary will expose Kathmandu for what it is and not for what is ideally used to be (as done by NTB and such). If you are interested, I would like your help in taking some pictures that I am interested in taking back to the US and letting them know that Nepal is now far from the heavenly world it once used to be. It is sad but true that the face of our nation is changing, but people like you and me certainly can make a difference. The key is to keep trying.
If you are interested, please call me at 9841628235 or email me at xenoach@gmail.com
Earlier I used to think that it's the camera that matters, but when I started taking pictures just more than my wild parties I began to realize it's an art and science.
It's very odd situation about the "hugging" thing you've mentioned, for a moment people must have forgotten that u too exist. It sucks, but that's the way of life, interacting with you means you failing to capture few more shots.
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