Monday, April 30, 2007

Me & Nikon

I am a Shutterbug and I love to stay behind my camera. There I find my solace and joy but sometime I feel being cheated as a photographer. I feel that way most… when people start to limit me as a professional photographer rather than a friend they know. Photography is my passion and not always I do it to earn bread and butter. And you know when people take me that way, my true emotion gets lapse and I do realize I'm not acting normal. And I wish I could be someone out of photographer skin. I get so bemused when people value my Nikon than me. They overlook my individualism when I am behind my camera and I become a stranger among known crowd. Sometime it's a daunting task to click pictures where your emotions get attached to and there are occasions when I clicked picture crying literally.

Once I was clicking pictures of one of friend's wedding. She was about to leave her parental home and she was all sobbing giving goodbye to her family and friends hugging. And I thought she will hug me too before hopping onto her wedding car but thing didn't happen the way I thought. And I missed her hug because I am behind my Camera. So, you get both rain and sunshine, while you stay behind the camera.

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